ServletSpeedster Web, generated: 2004-04-19 18:55 [EEST]  

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How it works

    ServletSpeedster is meant to handle the requests that your servlet/jsp makes to get it's cacheable subparts.
  While non cacheable content should be called directly, the cacheable output should be requested from ServletSpeedster.
  Each time you ask for a cacheable subpart of a page from ServletSpeedster it looks up if the cached version is up to date and servers either a new output(if cache is invalid) or the cached output (if the cache is valid).
  The following drawings will explain the idea.
The quality of the images is not quite the top but i tried to size them down as much as possible to make the page load quickly.

Part your servlet into reasonable components

See how the cache really works

Consider your choice of caching rule

Try to imagine your site as parts before writing anything

If you create a EJB based (web) application, this is the idea there.

How does the necessary code look

    If you have already splitted up your jsp/servlet page the original codeblock there should probably look like this
<jsp:include page="/somepath"/>
or this
RequestDispatcher dispatcher = request.getRequestDispacher("/somepath");
All you need to do now is to change the "somepath" into a path that is bound to the SpeedsterServlet that is ordered to cache the specific part of the page.
   A good habbit could be that all the cached subpages could be hidden behind a path /cached/ so you can deny access to them from outside of the servlet engine.

What can included subpages do ?

Subpages Can
  • Create output
  • Call whatever ejb or other calls you need to make*
(*Cached subpages only create output, so they obviously can't make any calls unless they are really called out by the SpeedsterServlet for creating a new cached item.)
Subpages Can Not
  • Set their own headers
  • Send redirect calls*
(*Can anyone tell me why they would like to create ANY output while still considering if the client should be redirected ?)