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How much memory does the cache take ?
- Basically it's the cache size in pages multiplied by
the subpage size you need to cache.
Caching 15 subpages with a size around 1 kilobyte in a cache
takes 15 about kilobytes.
Why is the cache held in memory and not on the disk ?
- I'm trying to create the cache as lightweight and quick as possible
Reading/writing in ram is much faster than on the disk.
Also the servers nowadays have so much RAM anyway that a few megabytes
spent on caching won't have any serious impact anyway.
Can i cache a WHOLE page ?
- Basically yes, just write a dump servlet/jsp that doesn't itself
put out any data except headers,cookies and create all the output
that it should contain in a cacheable subpage.
Can i cache a Binary content ?
- As in version 0.9.1 only caching character data is supported.
In practice this means that everything written on getWriter() will be
held in cache, all that is written on getOutputStream() will be lost.
At first because the cache is aimed at character content.
In future releases the cache may became ably to cache binary data too
if the community decides that this feature should be created.
Why should i want to cache only a part of the page ?
- Because you might need content on the page that isn't static, e.g. Username
or something else like it. Caching only a part of the page will still
result much better performance than not caching anything at all.
At least in most pages.
Can i create a cache rule of my own ?
- Ofcourse. Just extend the SpeedsterRule class. I recommend that
you read the source of the 2 original rules (event and time based)
at first. You might maybe able to extend one of them and use code
that already supports your won idea.
Why doesn't <%@ include file="/cached/x.jsp" %> work ?
- This a compilation time instuction, not a runtime instruction.
Only runtime includings can be cached. Please see the documentation.
Can xslt processing be used with cacheing ?
- Yes it can. I recommend you transofrm the xml your subpage, so the
already trasnformed output can be cached. This is certainly faster
than transofrming it each time user visits the page.
Can I use SpeedsterServlet in my commercial product ?
- Yes as long as you carry it's licence and correct author information
around with it, you can use it everywhere you want to.
Is ServletSpeedster compatible with my X framework ?
- Probably yes. While ServletSpeedster doesn't really work as
an separate application it has no real limits where it couldn't
be used. If you can magine page splitting into parts on your
framework, you can use ServletSpeedster.
How could i possibly profit from using it?
- Basically the speed of your servlet serving means money.
You can allow yourself cheaper servers cause they don't
have to be oriented on massive internal processing speed
(instead of that they can focus on faster net and more ram
with a lower budget.). You can spare your database servers
from unnecessary requests (if the data hasn't changed, why
should the db look it up all the time ?).
How much memory will using compression save ?
- It depends on the output of your page. The larger it is
and the more alike it's contents are (a large html table is a
very good compression target) the better the compression saving
will probably be.
Please notice that it may have no saving at all on very small
contents so use compression wisely. Also there performance will
drop a bit if compression is being turned on.
My cached subpages don't appear in the statistics.
- The load-on-startup value of the servlet definition must be
greater than the one of statistics servlet, otherwise it will
not appear on the statistics.
How can i get an up-to-date version for sure ?
Get the current version from cvs.
cvs login
cvs -z3 co speedster